One Light, One Ancient Qaum (Collective)
Excerpt from Valad Nameh
By Baha'eddin Ibn Mulavi, Eldest son
of Rumi
Farsi Editors: Najma Jabri'il Musavi and Sheikha Niloufar Ghulami
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p. 185-188
Azizam (Dearest to my heart)
The singleton Nur (Light) of
the Prophets, Aulia' (Close Friends of
Allah) and
the Mu'minin (Believers) is Qadim (Infinitely
Qā'im (Subsisting free of any withering) upon Allah, transience and
multiplicity is for their Surat (Constraints
to form and shape) not for
their spirituality. Since the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him
said: I was a Nabi (Divine Informer) while Adam was between the water
and the mud.
زيادة الجامع الصغير،
والدرر المنتثرة، - للإمام السيوطي
كتاب "الدّررَ المنتثِرة"، للسيوطي >> - حرف الكاف.
(حديث) "كَنْتُ نَبِيّاً وَآدَمُ بَيْنَ المَاءِ وَالطِّينِ" لا أصل له
بهذا اللفظ، ولكن في الترمذي: "مَتَى كُنْتَ نَبِيّاً؟ قَالَ: وَأدَمُ
بَيْنَ الرُّوحِ وَالْجَسَدِ" وفي صحيح ابن حبان والحاكم من حديث العرباض
بن سارية: "إِنَّي عِنْدَ اللَّهِ لَمَكْتُوبٌ خَاتَمُ النَّبِيِّين،
وَإِنَّ أدَمَ لَمُنْجَدِلٌ فِي طِينَتِهِ".
قلت وزاد العوام فيه: "وَكُنْتُ نَبِيّاً وَلاَ أَرْضَ وَلاَ مَاءَ وَلاَ
طِينَ" ولا أصل له أيضاً.
They are all but one singleton Nafs (Self) since they are alive due to
the Nur (Divine
Light) of Al-Haqq (The Absolute Reality) and if you
glance upon them you see one but if you stare at their bodies and into
their minds (Surat)
you see a plethora of many!
Like unto the sun, shining into a thousand houses but it is one light
radiated from one light source. Mustafa (The Chosen) peace be upon him
call them as one self:
...They might differ with regards to the life of this world, (but) The
Believers Ka (like-unto) one Self ...
الجامع الصغير. -
لجلال الدين السيوطي
الرابع >> باب: حرف السين
4603- سألت ربي فيما تختلف فيه أصحابي
من بعدي، فأوحى إلي: يا محمد: إن أصحابك عندي بمنزلة النجوم في السماء
بعضها أضوأ من بعض: فمن أخذ بشيء مما هم عليه من اختلافهم فهو عندي على هدى
[فاختلافهم رحمة، وذلك لأن قتالهم لم
يكن للدنيا بل للدين. فهم وإن
افترقوا من جهة حوز الدنيا، فهم كنفس واحدة في التوحيد،
وكلهم نصروا الدين وأهله، وقمعوا الشرك وأصله، وفتحوا الأمصار، وسلبوا
الكفار، وقمعوا الفجار، ودعوا إلى كلمة التقوى، جمعهم الدين وفرقتهم
الدنيا، فأذاقهم الله بأسهم، فبأسهم الذي أذيقوه كفارة لما اجترحوه (ولا
يخفى أن الكثير منهم كان في ذلك يعمل باجتهاده، فالمصيب منهم له أجران،
والمخطئ له أجر.
وقد أفاض العجلوني في بحث هذا الحديث في
"كشف الخفاء" فلينظر]ـ
التخريج (مفصلا): السجزي في الإبانة،
وابن عساكر عن عمر
تصحيح السيوطي: ضعيف
And the latter oneness is Khās (Particularized) solely for them. The
rest of humanity is made up of myriad of individuals, like different
lamps in different houses, one lamp in one house does not light the
other houses, and the turning off of one light in one house does not
make the other houses dark!
But the lamp of the houses of the believers is like unto the sun, upon
its setting all other houses are darkened and upon its rising all
houses are illuminated.
For that matter, one who adores and admires the Aulia' (Friends of
Allah) adores
and admires his own Self…
در بیان آنکه نور
انبیاء و اولیاء و مؤمنان قدیم است و قایم بخدا، حدوث و عدد در صورت ایشان
باشد نه در معنی شان. از اینرو می فرماید پیغامبر علیه السلام که کنت
نبیاً و آدم بین الماء و الطین. و از آن سبب یک نفس اند که همه زنده بنور
حق اند چون نظر بنور ایشان کنی جمله را یک بینی و اگر بصورتشان نگری متعدد
نماید همچنانکه آفتاب در صد هزار خانه می تابد خانه ها متعدداند اما نور
یکی است از این جهت مصطفی صلوات اللّه علیه مؤمنان را نفس واحد خواند که
آن یگانگی مخصوص بدیشان است، باقی همه متعدداند ظاهراً و باطناً مثلا هر
کس را در خانۀ خود چراغی هست از مردن چراغ یکی خانۀ دیگری تاریک نشود.
زیرا هر یکی جدا چراغی دارند. الا چراغ خانۀ مؤمنان چون آفتاب است که اگر
غروب کند یا منکسف گردد همه خانه ها تاریک شوند و در تقریر آنکه هر که مدح
اولیا میکند در حقیقت مداح خویشتن است چنانکه مولانا قدسنا اللّه بسره
العزیز میفرماید
Baha' eddin Ibn Mulavi, eldest son of Rumi has thus versed:
The adorer of the sun is praising his own self, for my eyes are blind
and darkened and defective while the light of the sun is the light for
itself (to see the beauty of itself)
Mustafa (The Chosen) said: I was a Divine Informer (Nabi) while Adam
between the water and the clay, a treasure within the 'Adam
For as long as there was Allah I have
been with Hu (IT, Him)
for I am
ITs/His Divine Secret therefore do not count one as two
We were while there was no cosmos, we are Infinitely Ancient (Qidam) yet
Adam transient
Adam's existence is transient but his light sanctified from
impermanence and transience an infinitely
ancient light from Azal:
Where there is Allah
and no one else!
The souls of men are from the Nur (Divine Light)
of Al-Haqq (The
Absolute Reality, Allah)
and shall tumult vexed unless by the presence
of Al-Haqq
See all of us as one, though one a male and the other a female, one
Roman and the other Syrian, one a scholar and the other a commoner
Each a different tongue and a different song, but all separated from
Al-Haqq endowed with an exclusive divine secret …
A single light, lit a thousand homes, the light of the Al-Haqq like a
sun irradiating all insides, for all are radiantly resplendent because
of this single light and thus all are one: A Singleton Nafs (Self) as
was coined by Mustafa
And yet the rest are mere carnal lives, and if the light of one dies,
no worries for the neighbouring house, for this light is fuelled by a
life of sleeping and eating
Although there are thousands in the Qaum (Collective) yet
the count is
only one! Just like the waves upon the sea, many high tides and many
low tides, never separate from the sea, the one sea
Proclivity is due to the lineage: livestocks tend towards the green
pastures to graze and the human being tends towards the obeisance of
Al-Rahman (The Most Benevolent Gift Giver)
The tendency towards the servitude and companionship is for the members
of the same species, have you ever seen a camel desire the company of a
Only Ishq (Unary
Unrestrained Loving) tends towards Ishq, and whoever
loves the Darwishān (Pauper Friends of Allah) has thus
reached the rank
of Certitude (Yaqin).
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