Miwa La (The
O! My friends are you
asking me about the hidden orchards of
Asking a clueless concerning
the ethereal trace of the
Vast It is a shore-less sea,
within you & I drown and
yet [1]
Asking the direction to the
shore from one already sunk?
Over one thousand years minds
contemplating a path towards
All proved ignorant and yet
Seeking the thousand-year path
in mere one day alone?
No flowers shall leave the
everlasting spring of Its gardens
and yet
Seeking this verdant garden in
the yellowish autumn of this
Shatter the idols of Self and
lusts, befriend the nonpareil
King of all and yet
Seeking a way out of darkness
by asking the brightest minds?
End the Self-gazing and
forsake your Self
Open your eyes wide and quest
for your true essence
Because you always seek that
which your desires look upon.
Closest to you is your own
essence, why then enquiring afar
Would you amidst the caravan
asking directions from one lost
for so long?
You are not close to being a
Sage and not afar from being a
As long as hurts the Beloved’s
heartache within [5]
No matter what you quest for,
indeed you are always seeking
Man is forbidden to look upon
himself directly! Unless
another object far from his essence, say a mirror, may reflect the
light of his
face. And by staring upon the mirror directly, then beholds himself

Similarly, Beloved forbade the
lover from looking upon his
true-self. Unless another object reflects the light of his true-face
from deep
within. The radiant proof of a face inescapably in love with Beloved.
Know that the Haitian orphan
is one such mirror!
You look reluctantly upon this
mirror. First you see a needy
child, doves of sympathy soon startle away. You turn your back but in
few steps
the ambient reflection of something effulgent pulls you back to the
orphan. You
look again and upon the face of Haitian orphan you see something
Something beautiful. Is it the comeliness of a child? And unbeknownst
to you
the quill of cognizance scribbles the lines of epiphany upon your
When suddenly comes that
ephemeral moment, a chasm between
the light and the darkness, when capriciously the Haitian orphan, as if
polished perfect mirror, reflects the once hidden face deep within you.
gaze upon your own bewildering beauty, as you have never witnessed
Lovers! You may lie about
yourself, you may drown in depth
of self-hate, or roast your face upon the flames of pomp and
false-pride to no
avail. But the reflection of the orphan’s mirror shall render your true
splendid image as was shaped, the very first time, by the Beloved.
Lovers! Hurry and look upon
this mirror, study your face and
prepare yourself prior to the gala rendezvous with the Beloved Creator.
Look upon yourself today,
because tomorrow your Lord may
[1] ‘It’ is refers to the Creator.
[2] Farsi sarcasm! Even the best and
brightest humiliated to
help you.
[3] If your eyes are constantly upon
your Self & your
Self-interest then you can only seek what you stare upon, thus you
shall go no
place and only find your Self again and again. Your Self grows from
essence the reality of what you are without body without mind without
any of
this physical existence. Seek that essence at the expense of your Self.
How can you seek that essence?
Be kind to Haitian orphan!
The mirror for your essence.
[4] When you are a in caravan which
knows where to go, would
you ask someone, who is lost for a long time, for directions? You are
already on the
path if you stay close to your essence.
[5] Did your mate break your heart?
That pain is from
Beloved. Did the poverty break your heart? That pain is from Beloved a
to show you the way. All roads end in Rome, all heartache end with
Background: Haitian Orphans in Port-Au-Prince. Photographs by
Karl Grobl.
Dara Shayda