Thus Spoke Zebra Fish

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"Within the skin and bones of the fish, arranged in lines that run the length of the body and head, are small organs with sensory receptors. These receptors lie in small bundles from which they send small hair-like projections into the jelly-filled sac called neuromast organ.

When the water flows around the fish, it deforms this small sac, thereby bending the hair-like projections of the nerve. MUCH LIKE THE WHOLE SYSTEM IN OUR EARS, this apparatus then sends a signal back to the brain and gives the fish a sense of what the water is doing around them.

Shark and fish can discern the direction in which the water is flowing, and some sharks can even detect the distortions of the water, such as are produced by other fish swimming near them.

IF YOU THINK OF OUR INNER EARS AND NEUROMAST ORGANS AS VERSIONS OF THE SAME THING, you would NOT BE FAR OFF! Both came from the same sort of tissue during the development and they share a similar structure. "
Source: Your Inner Fish, by Shubin.

Azizam (My dearest love)

Azizat (Your Dearest Divine Beloved), the object of all affections, Al-Ladhi (That Which) gravitates the sobbing child towards the mother, Sawwa (Engineered to perfection to be observable) the hair-cells within the inner-ear:

These hair-like clumps are moved by the swish of the inner-ear fluid, and based upon the liquid's rapid aft-fro motions, frequencies of sound in air around the ear-drums are deciphered:

What you hear as the sound is the passing of the inner-ear liquid and its consequent force upon these hair-cells, just (the same) as the Zebra fish uses the same hair-cells to navigate the waters and sense the currents:

'Ey Golbarg-e Bāgh-e 'Āshiqān (O floral petal from the orchards of the untamed lovers)

Then believe with certitude that hearing the language of the Dhikr is nothing but a rapid vast voyage braving the eddies of the shore-less sea of Mahab-bat (Divine Love): 

You thought you were listening to the thin air, you thought you were listening to the Dhikr, no Azizam! You were voyaging, often free of all volitions, an acoustic voyage vexed by the worldly life of this planet.

Shark and fish can discern the direction in which the water is flowing, and some sharks can even detect the distortions of the water, such as are produced by other fish swimming near them.

And while audibly voyaging through the acoustical realm of Dhikr, you might hear the distortions of other Al-Zākirin-a Wa Al-Zākirāt, even though they might have been in other times and places:

33:35 ... and for men who engage much in Allah's Dhikr, and women,for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and great reward.

وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ أَعَدَّ اللَّهُ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةً وَأَجْرًا عَظِيمًا

And 'Ān Aziz-e Āsemāni (That Celestial Beloved) singled out the Kitab (Address-mode) for the female i.e. Al-Zākirāt as a testament to their highly particularized female-voyage through these acoustics.

And within the language of the Arab, Tasbih (source from which Subhan and Sabbaha and Usabbihu come from) means rapid motion, and in particular it is applicable to rapid aquatic motility.

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