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إِذَا يَغْشَىٰ
By the Night as it conceals;
itha yaghsha
Ansāri: Allah has assigned
high rank & nobility to the night and made the night as
the object of a Qasam (Divine Swear, Oath) in Qur’an and this is so
since during
night the friends of Allah are awake, in solitude of soliloquies, for
the entire night drinking the wine of purity and enrobing the garment
Redhā (Divine Assent) gulping down the luring the guilt (of being away)
and the Qahar (Subjugation that forced them away) of That Divine
And when comes the dawn, the
doors of the day are wide opened, the
curtains cloaking the Majestic ‘Arsh (Divine
Throne) are pulled down
and the Muqar-rab-bin (Those enjoying the Divine Nearness) in presence
of the Divine Being under the orders of the Haqq (Absolute Reality
& Truth, Allah) are silenced. Since the Jab-bār (Colossus,
Omnipotent) within Hus (ITs) ‘Ulūw (Exaltedness, Sublimity) &
Kibriyā (Grandeur, Magnificence) calls out: Each lover is in solitude
& beatitude of his beloved but where are My Lovers?
The night is gloomy and the rebels are asleep
Yet the worshippers of The Glorious One are awake praying
تفسير روح البيان في تفسير القرآن/ حقي
كشف الاسرار) الله تعالى شب رامرتبتى وشرفى دادكه آنرا درقرآن مجيد محل
قسم خود كردانيد واين شرف ازان يافت كه شب درآيد دوستان خداتنها درمناجات
شوند هما شب شراب صفامى نوشند وخلعت رضا مى بوشند وعتاب محبوب مى نيوشند
وجون وقت سحر باشد كه فرمان رسد تادرهاى اين قبه بيروزه بازكشايند ودامنها
سراد قات عرش مجيد براندازند ومقربان حضرت بامر حق خاموش شوندآنكه جبار
كائنات درعلو وكبرياى خود خطاب كندكه الا قد خلا كل حبيب بحيبيه فاين
احبائى يعنى هر دوستى بادوست خود درخلوت وشادى آمدند دوستان من كجا اند
الليل داج والعصاة
نيام والعابدون لذى الجلال قيام
2. By the Day as it appears in
itha tajalla
3. By (the mystery of)
the creation of male and female;-
khalaqa alththakara waalontha
4. Verily, (the ends) ye
strive for are diverse.
saAAyakum lashatta
5. So he who
gives (in charity) and fears ((Allah))
man aAAta waittaqa
Ibn Ajiba: The Exalted has
sworn an oath by the darkness of the veil as it conceals the veiled
hearts and by the lucent day of Reappearance (Tajalli) that overcomes
the pure hearts. It is as if The Sublime One has sworn by the Qahar
(Subjugation) of Hus
(ITs) Jalāl (Momentous Glory), the Lotf (Indivisibility Immateriality
& Subtlety) of Hus (ITs) Beauty and by the impact of Hus (ITs)
Power upon all species of living beings (as an indicator) that the
people strive for varied causes/ends. The person who offers his money
and Nafs (Psyche,
Self) (for the pleasure of Allah) and wards against
all that which busies him away from his Maulā (Divine Close Friend,
Allah) We shall make the path of the journey easy for him, the journey
being the
path that reaches out towards the Divine Presence of his Maulā (Divine
Close Friend, Allah). Al-Wartajbi has said: Hu (IT) made the path to
reach Hu (IT) easy and removed from him the burden and hardships of
‘Ubudiya (Divinity). Qushairi said: We made easy for him all Obeisance,
made him avoid or dislike of what causes contentions (with Allah), We
provided the accommodation & adaptations of Qurb (Divine Nearness),
cause his heart to love Imān (Faith, loves though sees not, loves
though knows not) and We ornate his heart with Ihsān (Divine Beauty
& Goodness). On the other hand, if he becomes a stingy
enriching his Self with the Ma’refat (Gnosis, Cognizance) of what is
externally visible turning away from the Ma’refat (Divine Gnosis) of
his Lord (what is internally visible inside), and becomes satisfied
with frugality of Imān (Faith), We shall ease his path towards
hardships (spiritual hardships). The latter is the Tariq (Path) of
Bu’d (Farness) and Hijāb (Veil against the Divine Light)
preoccupied with the life of this world, obsessed with
collecting/accumulating more and more, and yet his wealth suffices
nothing for him whenever he is to be returned from the chasm of Bu’d
(Divine Farness) and vileness.
البحر المديد في تفسير القران المجيد/ ابن عجيبة
الإشارة: أقسم تعالى بليل الحجاب، إذا يغشى القلوبَ
المحجوبة، ونهار التجلِّي إذا يغشى القلوب الصافية، وكأنه تعالى أقسم بقهر
جلاله، ولُطف جماله، وقدرته على خلق أصناف الحيوانات، إنَّ سعي الناس
لشتى، فأمّا مَن أعطى مالَه ونفسَه، واتقى كلَّ ما يشغله عن المولى،
فَسنُيَسِّره لسلوك الطريق اليُسرى، التي توصل إلى حضرة المولى. وقال
الورتجبي: سهّل له طريقَ الوصول إليه، ويرفع عنه الكلفة والتعب في
العبودية. وقال القشيري: نُسَهِّلُ عليه الطاعات، ونُكَرِّه إليه
المخالفات، ونهيىء له القُربَ ، ونُحَبِّبُ له الإيمان، ونُزَيِّن في قلبه
الإحسان. هـ. وأمَّا مَن بَخِلَ بماله ونفسه، واستغنى عن معرفة ربه معرفة
العيان, وقنع بمقام الإيمان، فسَنُيسره للعُسرى، وهي طريق البُعد والحجاب،
كاشتغاله بحب الدنيا، وجمع المال، وما يُغني عنه ماله إذا تردى في مهاوي
البُعد والردى.
6. And (in all sincerity)
testifies to Husnā
Meaning with characteristic of Husnā which is
Iman (Faith) or with the Kalima (Word) of Husnā which is
Tauhid (Divine
Oneness) or with the Nation of Husnā which is
Islam or with the Recompense of Husnā which is
Paradise. And the veracity of this is that he sees/understands that
which Allah has promised shall reach him (inescapably) and therefore no
doubt passes through his heart. (Note that the verb Sadaq is in the Bāb
(Template) Fa’ala indicating intensity or constancy or devotion)
البحر المديد في تفسير القران المجيد/ ابن عجيبة
بالحسنى }؛ بالخصلة الحُسنى، وهي الإيمان، أو بالكلمة الحسنى، وهي كلمة
التوحيد, أو بالملة الحسنى، وهي الإسلام، أو بالمثوبة الحسنى، وهي الجنة،
والتصديق هو أن يرى أنَّ ما وعده اللهُ به يوصله إليه، ولا يجري على قلبه
خاطر شك
19. And have in their minds no
favour from anyone for which a reward is expected in return,
liahadin AAindahu min niAAmatin tujza
20. But only the desire to seek for
the Countenance of their Lord Most High;
ibtighaa wajhi rabbihi alaAAla
This verse
was revealed about the Abu Bakr who purchased and manumitted Bilāl who
was being tortured by the polytheists (because Bilāl was a monotheist
Muslim). Ibn Abbās has narrated: Idol worshipers repeatedly and
brutally tortured Bilāl, an Ethiopian slave, and he used to cry:
“Ahadun Ahadun (The Divine One The Divine One)”. So the Prophet passed
by him and said: “Ahadun Ahad shall rescue you”. The Prophet informed
the Abu Bakr about this (implicitly): “Bilāl is suffering Fil-Lāh (In
presence of Allah, for the sake of Allah) Abu Bakr understood the
Prophet’s intent and bought him for some gold. However the Idol
worshipers alleged that Abu Bakr bought through trade (no cash payment
indeed Abu Bakr paid 1000 Dinars and other payments), hence
the revelation of this verse. Some narrated that Bilāl was found buried
under rocks suffering for Islam. . (Please note the Adab (Etiquette)
in Presence
of The Divine Being, on one had Bilāl is so close to Allah that
does not ask Allah to be rescued from the brutal torture and only
bemoans “Ahadun Ahadun” and on the other hand the Prophet does not
explicitly ask Abu Bakr to rescue Bilāl and just drops a hint. These
are the Adab (Etiquette) of those who enjoy Qurb (Divine Nearness) and
their language is altered to match their soul so close to Allah.)
البحر المديد في تفسير القران المجيد
والآية نزلت في أبي بكر
الصدّيق رضي الله عنه حين اشترى بلالاً في جماعة كان المشركون يؤذونهم،
وعن ابن عباس رضي الله
عنه: عذَّب المشركون بلالاً، وبلالٌ يقول: أَحَدٌ أَحَدٌ، فمرّ به النبيُّ
صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: " ينجيك أحد أحد " ثم أخبر النبيُّ صلى الله
عليه وسلم أبا بكر، وقال له: " إنَّ بلالاً يُعذَّب في الله " فعرف مراده,
فاشتراه برطل من ذهب، وقيل: اشتراه بعبدٍ كان عنده اسمه " نسطاس " وكان له
عشرة آلاف دينار وغلمان وجواري، وكان مشركاً، فقال له الصدِّيق: أسْلِم
ولك جميع مالك، فأبى، فدفعه لأمية بن خلف، وأخذ بلالاً، فأعتقه، فقال
المشركون: ما أعتقه إلا ليدٍ كانت له عنده، فنزلت
رُوي أنه اشتراه، وهو مدفون بالحجارة،
يُعَذَّب على الإسلام،
Zamakhshari: The Prophet said: He
who reads the Surah Al-Layl (The Night), Allah shall endow him until
satisfied, and wipe out the hardship from him and ease for him pleasant
وعن رسول صلى الله عليه وسلم:
من قرأ سورة والليل، أعطاه الله حتى يرضى، وعافاه من العسر ويسر له

Night of the Qur’an is not merely the sun-less solar night. This Divine
Entity Al-Layl (Night) is the conduit for human soliloquies and the
incubator for the broken hearts in search of their Divine Beloved.
The Burning Bush of Moses burnt ablaze with the Divine Words during the
Night. Laylatol Qadar (The Night of the Power) lasts during the Night.
Darkness is an attribute of this Divine Entity and not the entirety of
its definition. As the plants change their biological operations during
the Night, as most living beings alter their metabolism during the
Night, so does the human spirituality as the heart is altered during
the hours of the Night.
There are many other solar systems in the Cosmos and within many
planets with dark nights. However there is one planet, that its dark
night is the custom created manifold incubating the human heart’s
© 2005-2002, Dara O.
Shayda, Hind Rifai M.D.