Haqq-u Al-Yaqin-i, 'Ilm-a Al-Yaqin-i, 'Ain-a Al-Yaqin-i 

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Informative Certitude: 'Ilm-a Al-Yaqin-i

102:4. Nay, if you (plural) could know (now that you are alive with) 'Ilm-a Al-Yaqin-i (Informative-Certitude) (i.e. what you will know beyond doubt after you die and resurrected)

كَلَّا لَوۡ تَعۡلَمُونَ عِلۡمَ ٱلۡيَقِينِ

'Ilm means knowledge, but it has the 'a' ending-declension (as 'a' in cat), which indicates Maf'ul Mutlaq (Verbal Noun explaining the preceding verb or emphasizing the verb) in this case Ta'lam-u-n-a meaning "you (plural) knowing". This is a form of knowledge or information that brings forth in the knower certitude in the affairs after death, this Rahi (Author) coins it as Informative-Certitude.

Visual Certitude: 'Ain-a Al-Yaqin-i

Following verse has a similar phrase with 'Ain or eye or visual, therefore similarly it is an Maf'ul Mutlaq (Verbal Noun Viewing) describing the preceding verb Tara-Wu-nn-a-ha meaning "you (plural) seeing". This is a form of vision or sight that renders in the eyes of the viewer certitude in the affairs after death, this Rahi (Author) coins this as Visual-Certitude.

102:6. Then (after delay, after death) you shall see her (flames) with 'Ain-a Al-Yaqin-i (Visual-Certitude) (i.e. while entering into hell)

ثُمَّ لَتَرَوُنَّہَا عَيۡنَ ٱلۡيَقِينِ

Remark: Both usages of the phrases annexed the word Al-Yaqin-i to 'Ilm and 'Ain (i Kasra sound ending-declension indicates annexation or addition or attachment). Therefore an annexed pair they require the verbs knowing and seeing.

But there is another similar phrase, but with a totally different connotation:

Haqqu Al-Yaqin: Functional Certitude

69:51. Wa (And) Inna-Hu (it) La-Haqq-u Al-Yaqin-i

وَإِنَّهُ ۥ لَحَقُّ ٱلۡيَقِينِ

1. Wa: indicates this sentence occurring in a context of other occurring(s)
2.  Inna: is like unto a pointer with a lens at the tip, it points and gives contrast (Ta'ayyun), as such it points and discerns hu or 'it' which refer to Qur'an or the words revealed to Muhammad peace be upon him from Allah.
3. La: is Lam (L sound) Al-Muzhalaqa:

Mughni Al-Labib
Ibn Hashim Lughawi

Originally it was La-Inna, both emphasizing back to back, thus one was delayed in the sentence (La attached to beginning of what is emphasized)  (to avoid redundancy)

مغني اللبيب عن كتب الأعاريب
للام الابتداء الصّدرية، ولهذا علقتِ العامل في علمت لزيدٌ منطلق ومنعت من النصب على الاشتغال في نحو زيدٌ لأنا أكرمه ومن أن يتقدم عليها الخبر في نحو لزيدٌ قائمٌ والمبتدأ في نحو لقائمٌ زيدٌ فأما قوله:
أمُّ الحُليسِ لعجوزٌ شهرَبهْ
فقيل: اللام زائدة، وقيل: للابتداء والتقدير لهي عجوز، وليس لها الصّدرية في باب إن لأنها فيه مؤخرة من تقديم، ولهذا تسمى اللام المزحلقة، والمزحْلِقة أيضاً، وذلك لأن أصل إنّ زيداً لقائم: لإنَّ زيداً قائم فكرهوا افتتاح الكلام بتوكيدين فأخروا اللام دون إن لئلا يتقدّم معمولُ الحرف عليه، وإنما لم ندّع أن الأصل إنّ لزيداً قائم لئلا يحول ما له الصدر بين العامل والمعمول، ولأنهم قد نطقوا باللام مقدمة على إنّ في نحو قوله:
لَهنَّك منْ برقٍ عليّ كريمُ

See Also: http://www.untiredwithloving.org/panting_horses.html#reply         
4. Haqq-u: has ending-declension 'o' sound i.e. Khabar (Information or Knowledge) about Inna, as a factual reality how something of the universe is shaped and formed i.e. Surat (Constraint) and in this case there is a constraint shaping our universe and that this: Qur'an induces certitude into the reader/believer of it, certitude of meeting with Allah...

Q: Why word Haqq used?
A: Haqq to mean the functionality of the certitude (Yaqin) in Allah (or certitude in meeting Allah) is preserved i.e. fully functional certitude as such. Remember the original meaning of Haqq in the language of Arab:


The original meaning of Haqq is conformity or congruity similar to something mechanically/geometrically fitting another thing e.g. a hinge's pin fitting into the hinge's socket or cavity (Huqqa) in such a way that the door could swing around the hinge's pin firmly, when placed into the socket or cavity (Huqqa).

Dara: Door's utility characteristics functionality and usage are all directly linked to the said 'conformity' of the hinge's pin to hinge's socket. Without this conformity the door ceases and its functionality and utility of swinging to open/close desist.

Let's re-translate the latter verse: Wa (In complex nexus of all that in the universe of Muhammad's time), Qur'an is contrasted and discerned as an entity, it preserves the (once lost) functionality of certitude in Allah ( and meeting Allah), an as such the universe since Muhammad constrained into a new shape which guarantees this functional certitude via the Qur'an.


i) Informative Certitude: 'Ilm-a Al-Yaqin-i acquisition of certitude via knowledge
ii) Visual Certitude: 'Ain-a Al-Yaqin-i acquisition of certitude via seeing (both optical and spiritual eyes)
iii) Haqqu Al-Yaqin-i: Functional Certitude which cannot be removed from the universe, a factual reality, and found within the words of Qur'an revealed to the heart of Muhammad pace be upon him. A function reality, in textual form, that brings certitude to its reader 

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