Hakim Abul-Majed Bin Adam
a.k.a Sanaa-ee was born around 1050 in Qaznin from a noble pious
He started his career as a
young poet writing praises for the local governors seeking the
of this world.
However as time passed by he
turned away from this practice and became a recluse mostly staying at
home and it was during this period when he introduced the Sufism to
poetry. Prior to his inventions of mystic poetry Abu-Saeed Abul-Khair
had produced some measure of mystic poetry but mostly around the
sensuous and romantic aspects not around the secrets and thoughts of
Sanaa-ee introduced a poetic
concept to narrate a simple concept or observation via lofty language,
which had innovative syntax and semantics to make the ordinary
extraordinary in the eyes of the readers. By means of this
a concept was conveyed to masses.
Sanaa-ee’s style roams around
simple and daily affairs of humanity. But the language and the
presentation of the words make a simple affair into an urgent luxury of
sounds and expressions to convey the seriousness of the affair, in
of public renouncing of its importance.
This was a natural extension
of the endowment of wealth and prosperity that gripped the Islamic
Empire at its heart, drowning it deeper and deeper into materialism and
pomp. Sufis saw this trend going against the teachings of beloved
Prophet of Allah Mohammad.
At this we stand to announce
Sanaa-ee as the founding father of Sufi mystic poetry. We also selected
the portraits of the scientists as the artworks for the pages to
indicate the genius and rebellious innovation. In particular we
celebrate the brilliance of Ms. Hodgkin the un-attributed discoverer of
DNA molecular structure.
Horrors of Love
Dara Shayda