Ishari (Vectorial) Taswit (Auditory Exegesis) of Ra'd (Thunder) 13:13.

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13:13. Wa ('w' sound) Usabbihu (Sanctifies, Motions Fast) The Thunder Bi (By means of) ITs Hamd (Praise and Adoration)

وَيُسَبِّحُ الرَّعْدُ بِحَمْدِهِ


Azizam (My Dearest):

That Divine Beloved created and engineered this cosmos, and at that this planet, for the purpose of a peculiar most rare form of life, a life that could easily be confused with love (Mahab-bat), a sponge-like life-form that could absorb infinite measures of Divine Knowledge and helplessly continue thirsting for more!

Hu (IT) gave every entity its knowledge and that object can never acquire any more knowledge, but this life-form i.e. human being went on acquiring more and more, before birth, during life, during and after death!

Then how could something this alive this lovely left marooned in depth of a vast dead cosmos?

Azizam, no matter where this life-form goes and no matter what his/her thoughts and feelings inclined towards, sprouts life, from the bottom of the oceans to the clouds, from this planet to the never-ends of the universe, because this creature is the deputy (Khalifa) of Al-Hayy (The Ever-living Ever-giver of life) deputised by Al-Wadud (The boundless Love, Loved, Beloved, Loving). 

If s/he looks at the moon, then there is life on the moon, love is found on the moon, if s/he squints at the sun then there is life on the sun, love is found on the sun.

Diqqa (Rigor)

If s/he hears the thunder and flickers at the shaft of the lightening, then there is life in the thunderstorm there is love and life in the clouds:

Bioprecipitation is the concept of rain-making bacteria and was proposed by David Sands from Montana State University before 1983. The formation of ice in clouds is required for snow and most rainfall. Dust and soot particles can serve as ice nuclei, but biological ice nuclei are capable of catalyzing freezing at much warmer temperatures. The ice-nucleating bacteria currently known are mostly plant pathogens. Recent research suggests that bacteria may be present in clouds as part of an evolved process of dispersal

Bacteria present in clouds may have evolved to use rainfall as a means of dispersing themselves. The bacteria are found in snow, soils and seedlings in locations such asAntarctica, the Yukon Territory of Canada and the French Alps, according to Brent Christner, a microbiologist at Louisiana State University. It has been suggested that the bacteria are part of a constant feedback between terrestrial ecosystems and clouds. They may rely on the rainfall to spread to new habitats, in much the same way as plants rely on windblown pollen grains, Christner said, with this possibly a key element of the bacterial life cycle.

"Allah generates the cloud, Fa (Consequently) it speaks the best most beautiful Nutq (Speech) (thunderbolt) and Dhahak (Laughs) the best most beautiful laughter (lightening)", said the Prophet peace be upon him.

زيادة الجامع الصغير، والدرر المنتثرة، - للإمام السيوطي
كتاب "زيادة الجامع الصغير"، للسيوطي >> حرف الهمزة
1389- إن الله ينشئ السحاب فينطق أحسن النطق ويضحك أحسن الضحك.
(حم هق) في الأسماء عن شيخ من بني غفار.

تفسير تفسير القرآن الكريم/ ابن كثير (ت 774 هـ)
وقال الإمام أحمد: حدثنا يزيد، حدثنا إبراهيم بن سعد، أخبرني أبي قال: كنت جالساً إلى جنب حميد بن عبد الرحمن في المسجد، فمر شيخ من بني غفار، فأرسل إليه حميد، فلما أقبل قال: يابن أخي وسع فيما بيني وبينك، فإنه قد صحب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فجاء حتى جلس فيما بيني وبينه، فقال له حميد: ما الحديث الذي حدثتني عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم؟ فقال له الشيخ: سمعت عن شيخ من بني غفار: أنه سمع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: " إن الله ينشىء السحاب، فينطق أحسن النطق، ويضحك أحسن الضحك " والمراد - والله أعلم - أن نطقها الرعد، وضحكها البرق. وقال موسى بن عبيدة عن سعد ابن إبراهيم قال: يبعث الله الغيث، فلا أحسن منه مضحكاً، ولا آنس منه منطقاً، فضحكه البرق، ومنطقه الرعد.

Nutq (Speech): Everything in the universe talks and converses with other objects, indeed this cosmos is a conversational universe. In modern technological language you might say: this universe is a network with nodes (objects) exchanging data with each other. Such exchange of rationally designed and transmitted data via the network links is called Nutq. See Also: 

Dhahak (Laughter): The primordial self vs. non-self i.e. an infinitely ancient form of boundary than encapsulates a life-form so it is distinguished from all else. See Also: 

Ishara (Pointing Vector) 1

What you observer as thunder, lightening, cloud and precipitation is a massively multi-cellular organism hundreds of kilometres wide and long and stretches upwards many kilometres into the edge of the space and into the outerspace, in conversations with the rest of the universe and with full equipment of a Nafs (Self as a Capsule):

The spacecraft was located immediately above a thunderstorm for most of the observed TGFs (terrestrial gamma-ray flash), but in four cases, storms were far from Fermi. In addition, lightning-generated radio signals detected by a global monitoring network indicated the only lightning at the time was hundreds or more miles away. During one TGF, which occurred on Dec. 14, 2009, Fermi was located over Egypt. But the active storm was in Zambia, some 2,800 miles to the south. The distant storm was below Fermi's horizon, so any gamma rays it produced could not have been detected.

"Even though Fermi couldn't see the storm, the spacecraft nevertheless was magnetically connected to it," said Joseph Dwyer at the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Fla. "The TGF produced high-speed electrons and positrons, which then rode up Earth's magnetic field to strike the spacecraft."


Ishara 2

Slowing down the recorded acoustics of the thunderstorm reveals a barrage of conversational like sounds.

Ishara 3

'Ain (20th letter of Arabic) has similar signal form and shape as that of the VLF (Very Low Frequency electromagnetic wave) whistle-hiss in human audible range:

Download: Mathematica 8.x wavelet code   Audio files are in the production .zip package above

Remark: 'Ain-Siin-Quf could stand for the Divine Hiss that originates from the Malakut (Spiritual Realm) and blows into the Mulk (Corporeal Realm) both in longitudinal acoustic waves (Siin) and in VLF electromagnetic waves with frequencies in the audible range, and Quf then stands for the Divine Knowledge in written form for human consumption.

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